Does Blogging Change the Way Students Write?

How Has Writing for a World Wide Audience Changed the Way You Write?

by Paul Bogush, first published December 12, 2008  

After 2+ months blogging I gave my students a survey to have them reflect on what they have accomplished.  One of the questions was “How has writing for a world wide audience changed the way you write?”  Besides putting capital letters at the beginning of each sentence, here are all of the unedited responses:
I write what people want to hear.
I wanted to perform my best and show people how I can write. I wanted to leave a good impression to the higher authorities reading my blog, therefore I wrote with enthusiasm and intelligence, and I wrote of very interesting topics that grasp the readers’ attentions.
It has changed the detail i put into my writing
I write better now that I know I am doing it for hundreds of people.
Now I always write as if I’m talking to a large audience, even in school.
I work extra hard and think of topics that other people can relate to.
I now know that I’m branching out to people world-wide!
People have given me constructive criticizm and that helped me to do better.
It has changed the way I write by just being aware of what people want to see and how well done things have to be. Basically it has made me a cautious writer.
It has made me think about what I write more and how I could improve my writing by doing it for different cultures.
Its changed the way i write because i get comments from people from around the world and it helps me improve my blogging style.
It has made me more confident with writing for people all over the world to see.
I write more to make the people around the world understand not just the U.S
Well it really make me think about what im putting down.
Writing to a world-wide audience has changed the way I write because you learn to communicate with others all around the world and you get to compare different life styles around the world.
It has made me think about what I write before I write it because everyone can see it.
Yes it has made me more aware about what you put on the internet and who can see it. So your writing has to be perfect.
It has enabled me to be able to write, making sure that anyone who reads it, will be able to understand what I am  saying.
It makes me keep in mind that anyone and everyone is able to see it so I do not want to say something I may regret or something that may be inappropriate.
It has made me use spell-check more and write about different topics.
Knowing that the whole world is able to see what I’m writing makes me think twice about putting something up there. It makes me check my work more carefully and it motivates me to do my best work.
I think i write in a more “open way” so it appeals many age levels.
I think that having a world-wide audience changed the way I write because I really put felling into what I’m writing because I know that other people will be reading it than more than just my teacher.
It made me really look over my work.
It has made me think more about what I am going to write before I write it for everyone to see.
I expressed more to the world.
This made me take my time more to look for mistakes. I also wanted to put my best work out, so people would enjoy it.
I check my spelling and it has made me want to write more.
I write better and a little less off topic.
It is good to write a post with a world wide audiance because then if you are writing you need to keep in mind what a person would think when you are reading it and what they would think of what is written cound be unlimited and you would like that outlook to be posotive.
It makes me want to be perfect.
It makes me think that I can acomplish great things.
It made me think about what I am actualy writing more than usual.
It made me write more professionally and use bigger vocabulary words.
It changed the way I wrote because I new that there were going to be lots of people reading the post, so I had to make the best it could be.
it made me want to write a lot more.
It makes me want to do my very best.
I realize that some of our cutoms are much different than in other parts of the world, so i try not to be blunt when i am explaining things.
I want to make what I’m writting more interesting and make sure that it is good.
I alwasy have to do better so it reprssents how good i can do.
I have more people skills.
It has inspired me to look at their posts and see how much of a deep thought they put into their work, so I try and do the same
my vocabulary has gotten stronger.
I realized that a simple blog entry can promote a voice and different point of view to be heard around the world.
I no longer write pretentiously or just to Amerincans.
I am more open and I no longer assume that they know wht I’m talking about when I write.
It change a major role because i am so use to writing to a teacher and having it grade it and only her and me see it, but now its a bunch o people looking at it. so it became pretty scary and at the same time fun.
It makes me want to actually take the time into my writing pieces, because, now, i actually know that people are reading it and actually listening to a child and their ideas and imputs; imputs that can be so different from someone elses.
It makes me want to write better because I know that people from around the world will see it.
My writing is more creative
Im not ambaressed to write as much
You can write whatever you want because you know that some audience no matter their age or race, they will relate to your post.
I write more appropiate and I think more
It has my my writing a lot better
I think having an audience like this you think about what your writing and how it can relate to people all over.
My kids rock….

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